Over 200 Scholars Demand Release of ‘Junked’ NSO Report on Consumer Spending

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New Delhi: Over 200 scholars and academics from India and abroad have released a statement demanding that the government of India should release the report and data of all surveys done by the National Sample Survey Organisation, including the suppressed 75th round of the Consumer Expenditure Survey for 2017-18.
Data from the leaked Consumer Expenditure Survey, published by the Business Standard, showed spending at a four-decade low amid growing economic distress.
The government was quick to junk the report, citing “poor quality,” and announced that it would not release the report.
The scholars have, therefore, demanded that the said report be released “without delay and irrespective of what the results are. The government may wish to defend itself against interpretations of the statistics that it disagrees with. But this is best done through technical papers and seminars.”
They said to prevent release of data that are adverse, and diverge from its own understanding, was neither “transparent nor technically sound” and undermining it was against national interest.
Read the full statement below:
We the undersigned demand that the Government of India releases the report and data of all NSSO Surveys that have been completed and approved by the NSSO’s internal systems, including the results of the 75th round Survey of Consumer Expenditure, 2017-18.
A media leak published in Business Standard has revealed that the 2017-18 Consumer Expenditure Survey shows a sharp decline in average consumption. It has been suggested that the survey results are not being released because they support other evidence that the economy is experiencing a downturn. The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has now announced that the results of the survey will not be released at all, because they show a higher divergence with the "administrative data" than for earlier surveys.
It should be noted that consumption surveys are known to give results that diverge from macroeconomic estimates of the National Accounts. Also, National Accounts estimates are based not only on administrative data but on a combination of sources including NSSO and other surveys. Several committees have looked into these discrepancies. While further work can be done to identify sources of and reduce these discrepancies, the common understanding has been that the flaws lie as much in the methods deployed for arriving at macroeconomic estimates as they do in surveys.
Consumption surveys are crucial for monitoring trends in poverty and inequality, and are also of critical value for national income accounting, and for updating macro-economic data such as price indices. They can provide an important check on administrative and macroeconomic data, which is important both for policy makers and the general public. The fact that data on supply of goods and household consumption are diverging points to the need for questioning supply side data (which are being widely questioned within and outside India) as much as it points to the continuing need for improving survey methods.
It is of fundamental importance for the nation that statistical institutions are kept independent of political interference, and are allowed to release all data independently. The record of the present government on this score has been very poor. Until recently, India has good cause to be proud of its statistical system, and the sample surveys conducted by the NSSO have served as a shining example and a model to the rest of the world. While there has been much discussion and debate about the methodology of the surveys, these have been scientific and technical in nature, devoted to trying to improve the system to enable better measures of crucial indicators.
However, this government has chosen to attack the credibility of this pre-eminent statistical institution simply because the results of the surveys do not accord with its own narrative about the economy, without providing any adequate reasons, and by misrepresenting essential features of the surveys. It has repeatedly shown its disinclination to make public any information that may show its own performance in a poor light. Last year, before the parliamentary elections, the results of the Periodic Labour Force Survey were not allowed to be released until the Parliamentary Elections were over, despite the resignation of two members of the National Statistical Commission, and a leak in the media. Subsequently, results of other surveys including the 75th round (Consumer Expenditure), 76th round (Drinking water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Housing Conditions) and more recent quarterly data of the PLFS surveys, have not been released.
This suppression of essential data is terrible for accountability and for ensuring that citizens have the benefit of official data collection that is paid for with their taxes. It is also counterproductive for the government, which may be kept in the dark about actual trends in the economy and therefore not be able to devise appropriate policies. Undermining the objectivity and credibility of an independent statistical system is fundamentally against the national interest.
In the interest of transparency and accountability, all data must be released without delay and irrespective of what the results are. The government may wish to defend itself against interpretations of the statistics that it disagrees with. But this is best done through technical papers and seminars. To prevent release of data that are adverse, and diverge from its own understanding, is neither transparent nor technically sound.
Indeed, in order to produce transparent and robust information on distribution, it is also important for the government to grant researchers access to (anonymous) tax microfiles.
We therefore demand that the government should immediately release the report and unit-level data of the 75th Consumer Expenditure Survey. The government should also commit to release all other survey data after the usual processes to check for possible errors have been concluded.
A Vaidyanathan, Former Member, Planning Commission
A K Shiva Kumar, Ashoka University
A V Jose, Visiting Fellow, CDS, Thiruvananthapuram
Abhijit Sen, former Member, Planning Commission
Abhirup Sarkar, ISI Kolkata
Achin Chakraborty, IDS, Kolkata
Aditya Bhattacharjea, Delhi School of Economics
Aijaz Ahmad, University of California, Irvine
Ajit Zacharias, Levy Institute, Bard College, New York
Alejo Julca, Independent researcher
Alex M. Thomas, Azim Premji University
Alicia Puyana, Flacso, Mexico City
Alpa Shah, London School of Economics
Aman Bardia, New School for Social Research, New York.
Amit Basole, Azim Premji University
Amit Bhaduri, Emeritus Professor, JNU
Amitabha Bhattacharya
Amiti Sen, Journalist
Amiya Bagchi, Emeritus Professor, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata
Anamitra Roychowdhury, JNU
Andres Lazzarini, Goldsmiths University, London
Angus Deaton, Princeton University
Anita Dixit, Pratichi Institute
Anjana Thampi, IWWAGE, New Delhi
Anup Sinha Retired Professor of Economics IIM Calcutta
Anwar Shaikh, New School for Social Research
Arindam Banerjee, AUD, Delhi
Arjun Jayadev, Azim Premji University
Arthur MacEwan, University of Massachusetts Boston
Ashok Kotwal, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Ashwini Deshpande, Ashoka University
Astha Ahuja, University of Delhi
Atul Sood, JNU
Atul Sarma, Visiting Professor, ISID, New Delhi
Atulan Guha, IIM, Kashipur
Ayushya Kaul, Jamia Millia Islamia
Avinash Kumar, JNU
Awanish Kumar, St. Xavier's College, Mumbai
B Srujana, Tricontinental Institute for Social Research
Barbara Harriss-White, Emeritus Professor, Oxford University, and Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford
Ben Fine, SOAS
Bhanoji Rao, Governing Board Member, GITAM and IFHE Universities
Bharat Ramaswami, ISI Delhi
Bibhas Saha, Durham University
Bindu Oberoi, University of Delhi
Biswajit Dhar, JNU
Byju, V, Thiruvananthapuram
C P Chandrasekhar, Retired Professor, JNU
C Saratchand, University of Delhi
Carlo Cafiero, Senior Statistician, FAO
Chalapati Rao KS, ISID, Delhi
Chirashree Das Gupta, JNU
Chris Baker, Editor, Siam Society
Chrostophe Jeffrelot, Sciences Po and King’s College London
D Narasimha Reddy, University of Hyderabad
D Narayana, Former Director, Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation
Daniela Gabor, University of West England, Bristol
David Kotz, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Debabrata Pal, JNU
Debraj Ray, New York University
Deepak K Mishra, JNU
Dev Nathan, Institute for Human Development
Devaki Jain, ISST, New Delhi
Devika Dutt, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Dilip Mookherjee, Boston University
Dinesh Abrol, ISID, Delhi
Dipa Sinha, AUD
Dipankor Coondoo, Retired Professor, ISI
Dipankar Dey, Dept of Business Management, Calcutta University
E. Ahmet Tonak, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
E Bijoykumar Singh, Manipur University
Emanuele Citera, The New School For Social Research
Farzana Afridi, ISI, Delhi
Francesco Saraceno, Sciences Po
Gaurav Khanna, University of California, San Diego
Giovanni Andrea Cornia, University of Florence
Hanjabam Isworchandra Sharma, Manipur University
Haroon Akram-Lodhi, Trent University, Canada
Hema Swaminathan, IIM Bangalore
Himanshu, JNU
Indra Nath Mukherji, JNU
Indraneel Dasgupta, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Indranil Chowdhury, University of Delhi
Indranil Mukhopadhyay, OP Jindal University
Ingrid Kvangraven, York University
Iqbal Singh, Akal University, Bathinda
Ishan Anand, Ambedkar University, Delhi
Ishita Mukhopadhyay, University of Calcutta
J. Mohan Rao, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Jan Breman, University of Amsterdam
Jan Kregel, Levy Institute
Jason Hickel, Goldsmith College, London
Jayan Jose Thomas, Economist, New Delhi
Jayati Ghosh, JNU
Jens Lerche, SOAS
Jesim Pais, SSER
John Harriss, Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
Jose Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University
Joydeep Baruah, OKD Institute of Social Change and Development, Guwahati
Kalyani Menon-Sen, Feminist Learning Partnerships
Kathleen McAfee, San Francisco State University
K J Joseph, Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation
K N Harilal, Member, Kerala State Planning Board
K Nagaraj, Retired Professor, MIDS
K P Kannan, Retired Professor, CDS
K V Ramaswamy, IGIDR
Kumarjit Mandal, University of Calcutta
Kunibert Raffer, retired Associate Professor, University of Vienna
Lawrence King, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lucas Chancel, Co-Director, World Inequality Lab
M S Bhatta, Retired Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia
M S Sriram, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
M Vijayabaskar, MIDS
Maitreesh Ghatak, LSE
Mahalaya Chatterjee, Calcutta University
Malabika Majumdar, Retd. Professor, University of Delhi
Mandira Sarma, JNU
Martin Ravallion, Georgetown University
Mary E John, CWDS
Mira Shiva, Public Health Physician
Mridul Eapen, Member, Kerala State Planning Board
Mritiunjoy Mohanty, IIM, Kolkata
Mustafa Özer, Anadolu University
Mwangi wa Githinji – University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Nalini Nayak, SEWA, Kerala
Naveed Ahmad, Department of higher education Jammu and Kashmir (cluster University Srinagar)
Narender Thakur, University of Delhi
Nisha Biswas, Scientist
Nishith Prakash, University of Connecticut
Nitin Sethi, Independent journalist
Oliver Braunschweig, The New School for Social Research
Padmini Swaminathan, independent researcher, Chennai
Parthapratim Pal, IIM Calcutta
Pasuk Phongpaichit, Professor, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
Prabhat Patnaik, Emeritus Professor, JNU
Pranab Bardhan, University of California, Berkeley
Pranab Kanti Basu, Retired Professor, Visva Bharati University
Praveen Jha, JNU
Priya Mukherjee, William & Mary, Virginia
Pulin B Nayak, Retired Professor of Economics, Delhi School of Economics
R Nagaraj, IGIDR
R Ramakumar, TISS
R V Ramana Murthy, University of Hyderabad
Ragupathy, Goldsmiths University, London
Rahul Roy, ISI, Delhi
Rajah Rasiah, University of Malaya
Rajesh Madan, Noida
Rajeswari Sengupta, IGIDR
Rajesh Bhattacharya, IIM, Kolkata
Rajiv Jha, University of Delhi
Rakesh Ranjan, University of Delhi
Ramaa Vasudevan, Colorado State University
Rammanohar Reddy, Editor, The India Forum, and Visiting Professor, Goa University
Ranjan Ray, Monash University
Ranjini Basu, Focus on the Global South
Ratan Khasnabis, Adamas University, and Retired Professor, Calcutta University
Ravindran Govindan, Laurie Baker Center for Habitat Studies, Trivandrum
Ritu Dewan, Director (retd), Dept of Economics, University of Mumbai
Rohit Azad, JNU
Romar Correa, University of Mumbai
Rosa Abraham, Azim Premji University
Runa Sarkar, IIM Calcutta
S Krithi, TISS, Hyderabad
Sagari R Ramdas, Food Sovereignty Alliance
Saikat Sinha Roy, Jadavpur University
Samarjit Das, ISI, Kolkata
Sanjay Reddy, The New School for Social Research
Santosh Das, ISID, New Delhi
Saradindu Bhaduri, JNU
Sarmistha Pal, Surrey Business School
Satish Deshpande, Delhi University
Satyaki Roy, ISID, Delhi
Saumyajit Bhattacharya, Delhi University
Seema Kulkarni, SOPPECOM, Pune
Servaas Storm, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Shambhu Ghatak, Senior Associate Fellow, Inclusive Media for Change
Shantanu De Roy, TERI University
Shiney Chakraborty, ISST, New Delhi
Shipra Nigam, Consultant Economist, New Delhi
Shouvik Chakraborty, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Shyjan Davis, University of Calicut
Siwan Anderson, Vancouver School of Economics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Smita Gupta, Economist
Smitha Francis, ISID, New Delhi
Snehashish Bhattacharya, SAU
Sona Mitra, IWWAGE, New Delhi
Stefano Zambelli, Provincial University of Trento
Suchetana Chattopadhyay, Jadavpur University.
Subin Dennis, Tricontinental Institute for Social Research
Sudhir Kumar Suthar, JNU
Sudip Chaudhuri, IIM, Kolkata
Sudipta Bhattacharyya, Visva Bharati
Sujata Patel, NIS, Shimla
Sukanta Bhattacharya, University of Calcutta
Sushil Khanna, IIM, Kolkata
Sripad Motiram, University of Massachusetts Boston
Sunanda Sen, Retired Professor, JNU
Surajit Das, JNU
Surajit Mazumdar, JNU
Suresh Aggarwal, Former Professor, Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi
Suranjan Gupta, New Delhi
T Sabri Öncü, Former Head of Research, CAFRAL
Takahiro Sato, Kobe University
Taposik Banerjee, Ambedkar University, Delhi
Thomas Piketty, Paris School of Economics
Upasak Das, University of Pennsylvania
Utsa Patnaik, Emerita Professor, JNU
Uttam Bhattacharya, Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata
Vamsi Vakulabharanam, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Velupillai Kumaraswamy, former Professor, University of Trento and New School University
Venkatesh B Athreya, Professor of Economics (Retired), Bharathidasan University
Vikas Rawal, JNU
Yogendra Yadav, Swaraj India, and former member, UGC
Yoshifumi Usami, University of Tokyo
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