CAA Protests: Over 500 Theatrepersons Seek Impartial Probe Into Police Action in Jamia, AMU

New Delhi: More than 550 members of the theatre fraternity across the country have expressed solidarity with the student fraternity of Jamia Millia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University, saying “students have borne the brunt of state brutality in response to their right to peacefully protest” the amended Citizenship Act.
The signatories include Sanjna Kapoor, Ramu Ramanathan, Sameera Iyengar, Geetanjali Kulkarni, Abhishek Majumdar, Mohit Takalkar, Sunil Shanbag, Jim Sarbh, Dolly Thakore, A. Mangai, Annie Zaidi, Danish Hussain, Sudhanva Deshpande, Kumud Mishra and Manav Kaul among others.
Calling upon the government “to institute an impartial enquiry into circumstances of the heinous attacks on student communities by the police forces,” the signatories said “Those across the country who have spoken against this act have done so as per the rights and responsibilities bestowed upon them by the Constitution, which forms the very basis of their citizenship. Police brutality and attacks on such protesters are a strategy to silence our voices and shake the very foundation of what it means to be a citizen.”
We, the undersigned members of the theatre fraternity, jointly issue this statement in solidarity with the student fraternity of the Jamia Millia Islamia University and the Aligarh Muslim University who have borne the brunt of state brutality in response to their right to peacefully protest the Citizen Amendment Bill.
The Constitution of India insists upon fundamental rights of equality, regardless of gender, caste, religion, class, community or language for all its citizens. Being a citizen of this country means being rooted in these inalienable rights.
The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 tears to shreds the inclusive, composite vision of India that guided our freedom struggle. Through the amendments it introduces to the Citizenship Act of 1955, this act violates every single one of the fundamental ideals of the Constitution. It is therefore unconstitutional in its very nature and attempts to destroy the moral, ethical and legal fabric on which this nation was founded.
The NRC exercise in Assam has already demonstrated the terrible human cost of dividing people and linking citizenship to papers and detention centres and tribunals, which is even more acutely experienced by those who already lead a precarious existence. Death; families torn apart; detention camps and foreigners’ tribunals; fear; the confusion of statelessness – this is what the common people, especially minorities, women, children and the poor have had to suffer, and continue to suffer.
The constitution requires the government of the day to provide its people with the right to food security, equal opportunity of employment, the annihilation of discrimination based on caste, community and gender, the freedom to speak, worship, and live as our diverse people choose. What we see is an attempt to stoke fear and hatred in society instead of addressing the critical needs of its people.
Those across the country who have spoken against this act have done so as per the rights and responsibilities bestowed upon them by the constitution, which forms the very basis of their citizenship. Police brutality and attacks on such protesters are a strategy to silence our voices and shake the very foundation of what it means to be a Citizen.
We call upon the Government of India to immediately desist from attacking students across the country, and institute an impartial enquiry into circumstances of the heinous attacks on student communities by the police forces. We stand in solidarity with the students who have bravely fought for the constitution, the rights it enshrines upon its citizens, and its imagination of a secular, equal, and democratic nation.
1 | A Mangai | 185 | Imran Rasheed | 369 | Ruhina Baig |
2 | Aabha Mahawar | 186 | Imtiaz Ahmed | 370 | Ruma Ghosh |
3 | Aakash Chaudhary | 187 | Injeela Nuzhat | 371 | Ruqaiya Saifi |
4 | Aakash Jain | 188 | Ipshita Chakraborty Singh | 372 | Rutuja Thukarul |
5 | Aakash Prabhakar | 189 | Iram Saifi | 373 | Rutvik Upadhyaya |
6 | Aamir Bashir | 190 | Ishita Sharma | 374 | Sachin Joshi |
7 | Aarti Dharampuriya | 191 | Islamuddin Saifi | 375 | Sachin Lele |
8 | Aarti Tiwari | 192 | Jai Vardhan Rai | 376 | Sachin Prasad |
9 | Aaryan Tandon | 193 | Jaimini Pathak | 377 | Sachin Srivastava |
10 | Aastha Gandhi | 194 | Jamal Hassan | 378 | Sadiya Siddiqui |
11 | Aayush Agarwal | 195 | Jana Natya Manch, Delhi | 379 | Sagar Deshmukh |
12 | Aayush Jha | 196 | Janhavi Marathe | 380 | Sagar Gholap |
13 | Abdur Rahim | 197 | Jasleen Kaur | 381 | Sahil Kalloli |
14 | Abha Talesara | 198 | Jaspreet Singh | 382 | Sajid Akhta |
15 | Abhay Mahajan | 199 | Jayesh Joney | 383 | Sakshi Sharma |
16 | Abhijeet Singh | 200 | Jim Sarbh | 384 | Samdeesh Mahajan |
17 | Abhinav Jha | 201 | Jitender Singh | 385 | Sameer Rahman |
18 | Abhinav Kumar Padhan | 202 | Joy Sengupta | 386 | Sameera Iyengar |
19 | Abhisar Bose | 203 | Jyoti Arya | 387 | Samriddh Sharma |
20 | Abhishek Banerji | 204 | Jyoti Dogra | 388 | Sandeep Badaik |
21 | Abhishek Kumar | 205 | Kabir Chattopadhyay | 389 | Sangeeta |
22 | Abhishek Kumar Singh | 206 | Kahkashan | 390 | Sania Saifi |
23 | Abhishek Majumdar | 207 | Kaleem Zafar | 391 | Saniya Saxena |
24 | Abhishek Mudgal | 208 | Kalpak Bhave | 392 | Sanjna Kapoor |
25 | Adi Shashtri | 209 | Kalyanee Mulay | 393 | Sankalp Joshi |
26 | Aditee Biswas | 210 | Kanchan Bhattacharyya | 394 | Sanket Aggarwal |
27 | Aditi Anand | 211 | Kanwaljeet Singh | 395 | Sanket Jagtap |
28 | Aditi Chugh | 212 | Karan Chauhan | 396 | Sanket Shanware |
29 | Aditya Bansod | 213 | Karan Choudhary | 397 | Santanu Ghatak |
30 | Afsana Ahmed | 214 | Karan Talwar | 398 | Sanya Jain |
31 | Ahlam Karachiwala | 215 | Karthika M | 399 | Sapan Saran |
32 | Aishwarya Chaudhary | 216 | Kashish Arora | 400 | Sara Chauhan |
33 | Ajeet Singh Palawat | 217 | Kaustubh Somnath Naik | 401 | Sarang Patwarddan |
34 | Ajira Rungta | 218 | Keith Sequeira | 402 | Saransh Bhatt |
35 | Ajit Ranjan | 219 | Kesavan | 403 | Sarfaraz Khan |
36 | Akarsh Khurana | 220 | Keval Arora | 404 | Sarika Singh |
37 | Akash Bairva | 221 | Khushboo Rais Khan | 405 | Sarthak Kakar |
38 | Akash Pal | 222 | Khushboo Saluja | 406 | Sathish Ratakonda |
39 | Akash Waghmare | 223 | Kiran Agawane | 407 | Saumya Mani Tripathi |
40 | Akriti Singh | 224 | Kiran Khoje | 408 | Saurabh Kawade |
41 | Akshay Baluja | 225 | Kiran Pavaskar | 409 | Saurabh Khare |
42 | Akshay Sharma | 226 | Komita Dhanda | 410 | Saurabh Nayyar |
43 | Alakananda Chatterjee | 227 | Kshitish Date | 411 | Savitri Medhatul |
44 | Aleena Joseph | 228 | Kumud Mishra | 412 | Sayalee Phatak |
45 | Alya Ekta | 229 | Kumud Sodhani | 413 | Sayali Khare |
46 | Amala Rai | 230 | Kyla D’Souza | 414 | Shabnam Vadhera |
47 | Aman Garg | 231 | Lakshika Pandey | 415 | Shaili Sathyu |
48 | Aman Mohammadi | 232 | Lakshvir Singh Saran | 416 | Shaina Anand |
49 | Amey Mehta | 233 | Lyra Dutt | 417 | Shaista Saifi |
50 | Amit Rohila | 234 | Madhur Mhatre | 418 | Shaista Vaishnav |
51 | Amit Sharma | 235 | Maithily Bhupatkar | 419 | Shalini Singh Bhada |
52 | Amit Sharma Leo | 236 | Mallika Shah | 420 | Sharmistha Saha |
53 | Amol Patil | 237 | Mallika Taneja | 421 | Sharvari Deshpande |
54 | Amrithasruthi Radhakrishnan | 238 | Mamata Sahu | 422 | Sharvari Sastry |
55 | Amruta Mapuskar | 239 | Manavi Keer | 423 | Shashwati Waghmare |
56 | Anamika Haksar | 240 | Mandeep Raikhy | 424 | Sheba Alexander |
57 | Anand Samudre | 241 | Maneesh Verma | 425 | Shekhar Ramiah |
58 | Anant Dayal | 242 | Manjeet Yadav | 426 | Shimli Basu |
59 | Ananya Azad | 243 | Mansi Multani | 427 | Shiv Subrahmanyam |
60 | Anas Saifi | 244 | Mati Rajput | 428 | Shivam Grover |
61 | Ankit Gor | 245 | Maxwel Chhetry | 429 | Shivam Mehra |
62 | Ankur Ratan | 246 | Mayank Vishwakarma | 430 | Shivam Mendiratta |
63 | Ankush Gupta | 247 | Meenal Sahu | 431 | Shivani Tanksale |
64 | Annie Zaidi | 248 | Meet Modi | 432 | Shivani Tibrewala |
65 | Antara Bhide | 249 | Meghana AT | 433 | Shraddhanshu Shekhar |
66 | Antariksha Sharma | 250 | Meghna Roy Choudhury | 434 | Shrey Kaushik |
67 | Anub George | 251 | Michaela Talwar | 435 | Shreya Padukone |
68 | Anupam Barve | 252 | Mohammad Jahangir | 436 | Shreyans Iyer |
69 | Anuprita Kelkar | 253 | Mohammad Younus | 437 | Shruti Bijnoria |
70 | Anurag S | 254 | Mohit Takalkar | 438 | Shruti Sharma |
71 | Anurag Singh | 255 | Moneshwar Chauhan | 439 | Shubham Ameta |
72 | Anusha Ramasubramoney | 256 | Mridul Raj Anand | 440 | Shubham Sathe |
73 | Apeksha Vora | 257 | Mudit Singhal | 441 | Shubham Sisodiya |
74 | Aqib Mirza | 258 | Mukul Chadda | 442 | Siddhanth Sundar |
75 | Aqib Mirzam | 259 | Mukul Jain | 443 | Siddharth Mishra |
76 | Archana Bora | 260 | Mustufaiz Ansari | 444 | Siddharth Raghuvanshi |
77 | Arjun Chandran | 261 | Nachiket Devasthali | 445 | Siddharth Verma |
78 | Arminder Singh | 262 | Nagesh Bhosle | 446 | Siddhesh Purkar |
79 | Arnav Kumar | 263 | Nancy Kapil | 447 | Sigma Upadhyay |
80 | Arpit Mahawar | 264 | Narayan Asha Anand | 448 | Simar Singh |
81 | Arundhati Ghosh | 265 | Natraj Hasrat Meera | 449 | Simatini Dhuru |
82 | Aryan Dhamecha | 266 | Navaldeep Singh | 450 | Snayhil Aneja |
83 | Aryan Panwar | 267 | Navaneeth Venkateswar | 451 | Sonam Gaychen Wangdi |
84 | Asad Hussain | 268 | Naveen Kishor | 452 | Sonia Malik |
85 | Ashish Ghosh | 269 | Neeraj Shirvaikar | 453 | Soumen Bhowmick |
86 | Ashish Mehta | 270 | Neha Joshi | 454 | Soumojeet Chakraborty |
87 | Ashiya Madaar | 271 | Neha Singh | 455 | Sowmya Bali |
88 | Ashlesha Onawale | 272 | Neha Tiwari | 456 | Sravasti Banerjee |
89 | Ashmita Sunil | 273 | Neha Vyas | 457 | Srushti Deopujari |
90 | Ashok Bhowmick | 274 | Neil Banerjee | 458 | Stephanie Cornfield |
91 | Ashok Tiwari | 275 | Nicholas Kharkongor | 459 | Subhadra Kamath |
92 | Ashutosh Chandan | 276 | Nidhi Bisht | 460 | Subhankar Dutta |
93 | Ashutosh Matela | 277 | Nidhi S Sasthri | 461 | Subhashree Sahoo |
94 | Asif Abdi | 278 | Nidhi Singh | 462 | Subhojit Chowdhury |
95 | Aslam Saifi | 279 | Nihaal Raheja | 463 | Sudhanva Deshpande |
96 | Asmit Pathare | 280 | Nihir Jain | 464 | Suhaas Ahuja |
97 | Atul Somkuwar | 281 | Niiya Kumar | 465 | Sujata |
98 | Atulya Manoj | 282 | Niketa Saraf | 466 | Sukant Goel |
99 | Avanti Latankar | 283 | Nikhil Chauhan | 467 | Sukhita Aiyar |
100 | Avantika Ganguly | 284 | Nikhil Katara | 468 | Sukhneet Singh |
101 | Avantika Kavathekar | 285 | Nikhita Singh | 469 | Sukrit Sharma |
102 | Awaze Mohammad | 286 | Nikita Kumar | 470 | Sukriti Sharma |
103 | Ayesha Raza | 287 | Nikita Puri | 471 | Sumedha Saxena |
104 | Ayesha Saifi | 288 | Niloufer Sagar | 472 | Sumit Sanghamitra |
105 | Ayesha Susan Thomas | 289 | Nipun Srivastava | 473 | Suneel Sinha |
106 | Ayush Bhat | 290 | Niranjan Pedanekar | 474 | Suneet Singh |
107 | Ayush Rai | 291 | Niranjani Iyer | 475 | Sunil Shanbag |
108 | Ayush Tiwari | 292 | Nisha Bidkar | 476 | Supriya Shukla |
109 | Azzan Khan | 293 | Nishad Bhoir | 477 | Surabhi Shrivastava |
110 | Bhanu Thakur | 294 | Nishank Verma | 478 | Suraj Chauhan |
111 | Bharath Kashyap | 295 | Nishant Kumar | 479 | Suraj Tomer |
112 | Bharti Kharbanda | 296 | Nishchay Atal | 480 | Suruchi Pawar |
113 | Bhaskar Jha | 297 | Nishtha Singh | 481 | Sushama Deshpande |
114 | Bhaskar Sharma | 298 | Nitin Gupta | 482 | Sushant Nagpal |
115 | Bhavya Singla | 299 | Nitya Mathur | 483 | Suvrat Joshi |
116 | Bhumika Sahani | 300 | Omkar Bhatkar | 484 | Swagatam Dutta |
117 | Bhupendra Deshmukh | 301 | Omkar Govardhan | 485 | Swapnali |
118 | Bhushan Korgaonkar | 302 | Omkar Kulkarni | 486 | Swapnil Jain |
119 | Bhushan Vikas | 303 | Palash Shakya | 487 | Syed Saif Ahmad |
120 | Bobby Parvez | 304 | Pallavi Patel | 488 | Tanisha Agarwal |
121 | Chaman | 305 | Paras Nagpal | 489 | Tanmay Guha Neogi |
122 | Chanakya Vyas | 306 | Payal Kalra | 490 | Tanmaya Tyagi |
123 | Charanpreet Singh | 307 | Pew Banerjee | 491 | Tanvi Lehr Sonigra |
124 | Chetan Kataria | 308 | Phalguni Vittal Rao | 492 | Tanvi Shah |
125 | Chetna Anand | 309 | Pinky Adhikary | 493 | Tanvika Parlikar |
126 | Chirag Chaturvedi | 310 | Pooja Gosavi | 494 | Taranum Ahmed |
127 | Choiti Ghosh | 311 | Pooja Pillai | 495 | Tavish Bhattacharyya |
128 | Daksha Pradeep Shirodkar | 312 | Porus Vazifdar | 496 | Tejas Gupta |
129 | Daniel Dsouza | 313 | Prabhjot Singh Sidhu | 497 | Tejas Thakker |
130 | Danish Hussain | 314 | Prabhsimran Bajaj | 498 | Tejaswi Meshram |
131 | Danish Iqbal | 315 | Pragnya Nagarhalli | 499 | Timira |
132 | Dashankit Londhe | 316 | Pragya Tiwari | 500 | Titas Datta |
133 | Deepak Mishra | 317 | Prajesh Kashyap | 501 | Toral Shah |
134 | Deepak Sinha | 318 | Prashanti Talpankar | 502 | Trimala Adhikari |
135 | Deepan Sivaraman | 319 | Prateek Srivastava | 503 | Trushant Ingle |
136 | Deepshikha | 320 | Pratik Shah | 504 | Trushit Solanki |
137 | Devaki Khanna | 321 | Pratiksha Kote | 505 | Tushar Mathew |
138 | Devas Dixit | 322 | Pratyaksha Prakash | 506 | Tushar Pandey |
139 | Devyani Dagaonkar | 323 | Praveen Kumar | 507 | Tushar Ranga |
140 | Dhanya Pilo | 324 | Praveen Vadhera | 508 | Tushar Shah |
141 | Dharanidharan Ulagappan | 325 | Preetika Chawla | 509 | Tushar T Dalvi |
142 | Dharmakirti Sumant | 326 | Priti Bakalkar | 510 | Tusharika Rajguru |
143 | Dharmesh Patel | 327 | Priyanka Charan | 511 | Udit Parashar |
144 | Dhiraj Wadhwani | 328 | Priyanka Pathak | 512 | Umesh Rangwani |
145 | Dhwani Vij | 329 | Pujya Ghosh | 513 | Umna Khadeeja |
146 | Dilshad Edibam | 330 | Punarwasu Kapgate | 514 | Utsarjana Mutsuddi |
147 | Dilshad Patel | 331 | Puneet Kumar Mishra | 515 | Vaishnavi Ratna Prashant |
148 | Dimpy Fadhya | 332 | Punit Reddy | 516 | Valavane Koumarane |
149 | Dipali | 333 | Purnendu Bhattacharya | 517 | Vardhan Deshpande |
150 | Dipti Mahadev | 334 | Purva Naresh | 518 | Varghese Theckanath S G |
151 | Disha Subramania | 335 | Pushkar Srivatsal | 519 | Varun Kulkarni |
152 | Ditsa Bhattacharya | 336 | Quasar Thakore Padamsee | 520 | Vatsal Khajuria |
153 | Diviya Makhija | 337 | Rabiya Saifi | 521 | Vedika Singh |
154 | Divyesh Vijayakar | 338 | Radhika Singh | 522 | Veenah Naair |
155 | Dolly Thakore | 339 | Raghav Aggarwal | 523 | Veronica Gautam |
156 | Dr Sumedh | 340 | Raghvendra Singh Kaurav | 524 | Victor Mukherjee |
157 | Dusha Nandu | 341 | Ragini Singh Khushwaha | 525 | Vidhi Mehra |
158 | Dushyant Vishwakarma | 342 | Rahul Gill | 526 | Vidyuth Gargi |
159 | Esha Patil | 343 | Rahul Rai | 527 | Vighnesh Sinkar |
160 | Esthappen S | 344 | Rajath Nair | 528 | Vignesh Iyer |
161 | Faezeh Jalali | 345 | Rajesh Kumar Pal | 529 | Vikram Phukan |
162 | Faizal Shaikh | 346 | Rakhi Kashyap | 530 | Vikrant Dhote |
163 | Freeda Nicholas | 347 | Ralph Pereira | 531 | Vikrant Thakar |
164 | Gandharv | 348 | Ram Kumar | 532 | Vinay Jadhav |
165 | Gargi Bharadwaj | 349 | Ramanjit Kaur | 533 | Vinay Kumar |
166 | Garima Dutt | 350 | Ramneek Singh | 534 | Vinod Ravindran |
167 | Gaurav Sood | 351 | Ramu Ramanathan | 535 | Vipashyana Dubey |
168 | Gautam Sarkar | 352 | Rashmi | 536 | Virinchi |
169 | Gavin Methalaka | 353 | Rasika Agashe | 537 | Vishal |
170 | Geetanjali Kulkarni | 354 | Ratnabali Bhattacharjee | 538 | Vishal Singh |
171 | Gerish Khemani | 355 | Raunak Maan | 539 | Vishnu G Varrier |
172 | Gillian Pinto | 356 | Ravi Choudhary | 540 | Vivek Madan |
173 | Gunjan Shukla | 357 | Ravi Choudhary | 541 | Vivek Rao |
174 | Gurleen Judge | 358 | Ravindra Tripati | 542 | Vivek Tyagi |
175 | Gururaj Wadke | 359 | Rebecca Philip | 543 | Vivek Venkatraman |
176 | Hardik Kaushal | 360 | Reetha Balsavar | 544 | Vritika Dhabhai |
177 | Harman Chahal | 361 | Renu Ramanath | 545 | Waris Ahmed Zaid |
178 | Harsh Haldania | 362 | Rhea Gangavkar | 546 | Waseela Begum |
179 | Harsh Khurana | 363 | Rhea Rai | 547 | Women for Theatre, India Delhi Chapter |
180 | Harsh Swaroop | 364 | Rhea Vesuwala | 548 | Yashoda Joshi |
181 | Harsh Yadav | 365 | Riddhi Dhyani | 549 | Yasir Khan |
182 | Hasan Raza | 366 | Riya Soni | 550 | Yuki Elias |
183 | Helen Pinto | 367 | Rohit Thapa | 551 | Zafar Karachiwala |
184 | Hidayat Sami | 368 | Ruchita Bhujbal | 552 | Zeus Paranjape |
More are signing the statement and for an update on signatories click here.
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