Last week, Rios Montt, the 86-year old, former President of Guatemala,
was convicted by a court in Guatemala of crimes of genocide against the indigenous Mayan Ixil population and sentenced to 80 years of imprisonment.
All these years, Rios Montt was able to avoid the legal consequences as he had immunity as a member of the legislature, which he lost in 2012. The
judgement delivered by Judge Yassmin Barrios, is not the final word; it will now be appealed in higher courts, where the Guatemalan oligarchy may still be able to defeat the judgement. The current President,
Perez Molinas, has also been identified during the trial as one of the perpetrators of the genocide, as indeed are many more including US officials, who were a party to the genocidal violence unleashed on the Guatemalan people. Ronald Reagan had endorsed Rios Montt, talking about the charges against him said he was being given a “bum rap”.
What was missing in the trial was the
US role in the Guatemalan violence that killed an estimated quarter of a million. It was the
CIA inspired coup in Guatemala getting rid of President Arabenz's government who was introducing land reforms there that started the train of events. It was the opposition to the US induced regime change in Guatemala that lead to widespread resistance and later armed struggle. It was the Mayan Ixil's opposition to the grabbing of their lands that created the alliance between the indigenous people and the opposition to the US backed, military government in Guatemala.